Monday, December 12, 2005

DNB vs. ME

I had the DNB entrance Exam yesterday… and must say ….what a horrible experience!”

I hardly was prepared for the entrance though I knew the dates since a long time….its my stupidity and laziness….
I read only for a week that too not seriously….Actually on Saturday I was telling my husband that I will not write the exam with such meagre preparations..but he did not listen to me ,was adamant and told me “nothing doing ,u have to go.Just go and attempt atleast,u will have exam experience”….so there was nothing more I could do but try to grab as much as possible in my minute grey cells…at the last moment..

The exam had two sessions…I went for the morning session….took the question paper and the answer sheet and sat their miserably for 3 hours…..first of all I didn’t know the answer for most of the questions and on top of that I had such morning sickness(may be it was aggravated more because of the sleepless night I had on Saturday)….at one point of time the nausea was so unbearable that I thought I will leave the hall taking permission….anyways I had sit there because I knew we were not permitted to leave the hall before time….so,I sat ….gulping the water brash that filled my mouth every now n then….mean while trying to read the questions and answer…and to tell u the truth I marked answers for most of the questions doing “in pin safety pin ,in- pin- out!!”….cuz there was no negative marking for the wrong answers …so on whichever option my finger would stop with the “in pin” I would mark that option as the answer…..hehe!!…what to do, a person so unprepared like me has no other way!!! I remembered the days of my past when I used to study so hard ….study for long hours till mom shouted at me and asked me to close my books and sleep for sometime…I used to be so well prepared for all the exams… this the same me??I wonder…

Anyways…this was DNB……I still have PLAB….which is in March… And I have to do very well in PLAB…cuz if I don’t …then my validity for IETLS(English exam)which is only for 2 years will end ….and I will have to appear for IELTS again if I want to give PLAB a second chance…
March which seemed to be so faaaaaaar away suddenly has come so close…its only two and half months from now….and I have sooooo much to study…..and we will be having guest at home for the next two month….And my hubby who wants to stick to me all the time he is at home(now-a –days iam calling him fevicol...heheee!!) he doesnt want me to do anything butjust sit with him and do”time paas”...hehee!!.. PLUS this nausea and my job!….todays headlines in the news paper read- ‘Lure of job derails further studies in young college graduates’ so true it is….i shouldn’t have taken up the job soon after my internship instead should have concentrated on studies…..

Oh God!!!….show me just one tiny miny hole through which I can escape all these situations.

Prayer time ::(his is school times prayer song I could remember just the last part of it)
Showers of blessings..
Showers of blessings we need,
Mercy drops round us are falling ….
But for the showers we plead

i wish I could just skip this period in my life…I wish when I open my eyes tomorrow morning I get a PG degree with my name written on it in front of me…hehe!!
But then…”no gains without pains!!”


-Poison- said...

good luck doc.. may ya do great in whatever things u do!

Geo said...

Hmm... :_D

Lots of ppl had and still have a doubt tat I passed my entrance exam the way yo have mentioned here :_D

hope and love said...

hey dont worry..! u have to write several entrance exams to get a PG seat..
nobody scores at the first attempt..

Vishwa said...

I too used to study very hard in my school days and would get scoldings from my parents for reading late into the night. And in college they'd scold me for not studying. I finished my degree by cramming up all facts within the last one month of the academic year. Reading your post, i felt as if i'd scribbled all of it.

I agree it's difficult to concentrate on studies if you have a career, home and impending motherhood to juggle with. Hope all goes well and you finish on a high note in all areas. Yeah, it's possible. My mom did it long ago, and you too can!

silverine said...

In pin...? Now why didnt I think of that? A friend of mine got her drivers license that way :))

Aashi said...

Poison ::
Thanks dear!!

Aashi said...

Geo ::
Well well…..i kno u r one person who is jolly,humorous,lovable and at the same time very hard working!!

Aashi said...

Hope and love ::
Hope I don’t have to wait for so long dear….what if I lose interest and the zeal….oh no!!!…give me tips na doc!

Aashi said...

Thanks for ur good wishes vishwa!!…and hope I too am able to achieve my goals the way ur mom did!

Aashi said...

Silverine ::
Even I took a chance doing the in pin…there was no negative marking …I thought instead of leaving the questions if I mark something ….may be I get it correct…sometimes luck does play its role!…hehe!
Thanks for dropping in here!

Mitesh said...

Hmm, "In Pin" Ha.. i have used that style of answering qustions several time.. and to my luck ...have never successeded..hehe!!:-D

But hey. dont use this style for ur PLAB Exams ..ok!! N i m sure.. two & a half months is gonna b enuf for u to eat up ur books and get ready for ur PLAB.

So here's wishing u ALL THE BEST!!

P.S. sorry!!! late this time to..

Anonymous said...

well two months is a pretty long time... and dun wrro abt the lost exams.. cos miserable exams are always good memories... u can one tell ur kids abt it and laugh with them...

and abt the next, i dun think u shud be worried abt it till feb.. go celebrate ur life till feb and whack ur head only a week before the exam... these exams dont desreve our attention AF. just ignore them... live life the "bunk" way.

dun show this comment to ur hubby.. :)) i dont want to be killed so early in life.

Sujith said...

hey doc! all the best for the results. ur preparation seems the same way I prepared for various entrance tests ;-)

Aashi said...

Mitesh ::
thanks for the good wishes and for commenting here(i dont want to say anything about ur being late...may be it was deliberate..OKK!!)

Aashi said...

Lash ::
life life the bunk way?????
how is that way... my dear friend i need UR guidance....hehe!!!
and dont worry abt my hubby...he is so mild,i dont think he has ever killed an ant also till now!

Aashi said...

thanks jithu...and all the best to u too!!

Sujit said...

Its okey.. it happens ..some big exams need lots of preparation and you my have to attmpt more than once. Take this as a exprince or as a mock and prepare well. Try to know what +ve aspects you would in yourself during the exam and -ve aspects convert them. Use the oppurtunity.. and work hard. Leave the results to god and be content with your effort..

Aashi said...

Sujit ::
thanks for the advice dear...even my hubby said the same things..but hope things work out good for me!

Sujit said...

Stop worrying about the things... and put down your efforts on pencil and paper. :)

Aashi said...

sujit ::
yes boss!

sinusoidally said...

Oh poor you, taking the exam while experiencing morning sickness. Btw what is PLAB? Good luck with it!

Aashi said...

Sinusoidally ::
PLAB is Professional and linguistic assessment board ...UK am trying to qualify in that...

jedi said...

We've all gone thru that and we will do in the days to come. its a marvel how we survive after those horrible exam blues. guess v r all made of tough stuff

Aashi said...

jedi ::
hmm guess we learn the tough way!!
thanks for ur comment here!