Hisham trying to walk with support....he is very happy with his new found independent mobility!!!

Talking to his "
girl friend" on phone...perhaps fixing up a date...hehe!!...he has his mom's purse round his neck to take care of the expenses anywayz!!!!...also teaching us how to hold the receiver of the Phone upside-down!! can hear better ...u c!

Busy surverying the fridge to check the stocks!!....u just open the fridge and he comes crawling as fast as he can from where ever he is...!

Merry in the Kitchen ....the little chef is preparing to lay out plates on the table!!!

Making a mess on the dining table....Riyaz made a clown out of him...sticking a flower on his temple and making a cap for him with the vessel lid!!

uhmmm....the closet seems to be of great interest to him...he spends lots of time...undoing the well folded clothes...!

Below the wash basin...thinking "oh God! why is thing so high!!
There are many more things which Hisham keeps doing all day...i wanted to capture them all....but some things happen so spontaneously...i cant be carrying the camera with me all the time...hehe!!
For instance...just day before yesterday....i had just turned my head after changing Hishams daiper and throwing it in the dust bin.....and when i saw him again what was he doing???.....sitting with all garbage over and around him....and what else???.....he had the Daiper which i had just discarded in his mouth....yukkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!....luckily i had folded the dirty thing well enough!!!hehe!!.....i should have taken a snap of that moment....so that i could show it to Hisham's grand children in future!!!...hahaaaa!!!!